Center on an Aging Society

The Center on an Aging Society at Georgetown University is a Washington-based, non-partisan public policy institute that fosters critical thinking about the implications of an aging society. The Center studies the impact of demographic changes on public and private institutions and families of all ages. To encourage innovative and responsible thinking, the Center conducts and synthesizes research on a broad range of topics related to income and health security and conveys the findings to policy makers. Thus, the Center serves as a source of information on issues often associated with the Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid programs. Particular topics that have been the focus of Center projects also include labor market changes, employer-provided health and pension benefits, the health care market, health literacy, and access to health and long-term care.

The Center conveys information to the media, business leaders, members of Congress and their staff, and to other public policy analysts using a variety of formats including:

  • Business and community discussion groups
  • Conferences and briefings
  • Reports, fact sheets, and policy briefs