About the Institute
The Health Policy Institute is a multi-disciplinary group of faculty and staff dedicated to conducting research on key issues in health policy and health services research.
Institute members are engaged in a wide diversity of projects, focusing on issues relating to health care financing, the uninsured, federal health insurance reforms, quality of care and outcomes research, mental health services research, and the impact of changes in the health care market on providers and patients.
The products of the research carried out by Institute faculty are disseminated through a variety of mechanisms. Taking advantage of our location in the nation’s capital, Institute faculty often present their findings to federal policy makers. This may take the form of formal presentations, such as providing expert testimony at Congressional hearings, or informal briefings and meetings with Congressional and Executive branch leaders. Institute research findings also are disseminated through special publications by sponsoring foundations, in books, and in academic journals.
Institute Research Centers and Affiliated Projects
- Center on Health Insurance Reforms (CHIR)
- Center for Children and Families (CCF)
- Center for Juvenile Justice Reform (CJJR)
- Center for Medicare and Medicaid Research
- National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health
Latest from the Health Policy Institute

The Georgetown Center for Children and Families launched a new interactive data hub that provides a more in depth look at child health care trends and allows users to compare a variety of metrics across states.

Kids and teens are quietly losing their health insurance at unprecedented rates across America. Sounding the alarm: McCourt’s Center for Children and Families (CCF), with recent headline-grabbing reports that reveal disturbing declines at the state and national level.

Unexpected medical bills top the list of health care costs that Americans are afraid they will not be able to afford. While the public agrees that surprise medical bills should be a top health care priority, policy solutions have been elusive.
The Center on Health Insurance Reforms provides policymakers with a dedicated, independent source of information on ways to address surprise medical bills.

Staff at National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH) are working with partners to develop and disseminate resources for the public health workforce, community health centers, and families during this difficult time. Visit their website for more resources.

The Center for Juvenile Justice Reforms shares coronavirus resources for juvenile justice and child welfare systems.